"Zhao thief! I’m the first rebel in the great danger dynasty! It’ s so confusing! "

Lin Anmin’s nose is crooked in the army.
His heart is also more pessimistic.
The two armies are at war at this time!
"My military orders!"
He looked latosolic red and gnashed his teeth and said
"Dare to surrender! On the spot! So is taking a step back! "
Fierce fighting still reverberates in everyone’s ears
The more he felt full of strength.
That’s too bad.
"The great general Lin! Our first phalanx has been scattered! The number of enemy cavalry is us! "
Lin Anmin’s camp will soon have soldiers reporting the situation to him, and hundreds of thousands of troops will fight and the outcome will soon be decided.
Once there is a defeat, the situation will become one-sided.
Irritating persuasion is getting higher and higher.
Zhao Cuo is also at the home front, listening to the military situation constantly.
"The enemy has a general who has surrendered, and we are coming! It will arrive later! "
Grandpa Zhao Xiaogong closed his eyes and ears and kept reporting, which made him draw a picture in his mind. The two armies were constantly changing.
The confederate formation has become a circle and gradually tightened like a pocket, as he expected
Win or lose in an instant.
Chapter three hundred and thirty-one Two armies captain Zhao thief took his wife
"Pursuit … outside the city Junbao!"
The ruined tower is finally waiting to report!
"Come on! Don’t let me catch my breath first, you can say it again. "
He was pale and took a few deep breaths in succession. His chest beat louder than the drums outside the city. They could not afford to lose this battle.
The day before yesterday, we have already lost our troops. Today, hundreds of people will go out of the city to meet them. If we lose again …
Qinwangjun will fake another battle force!
At this time, there was a panic sound outside the building.
"The emperor! Our army has been defeated by the thief army, and the remnants of it have flowed through the moat to drown a group of people. There are still a few people who are approaching the gate. We … "
Emperor Yong Zhao’s pupils are blinking. At this time, there is an idea in his heart that is over!
The main force was almost defeated, and Huainan could not be saved! He’s going from?
Unless the sky is going to destroy his Chu family’s 400-year inheritance?
"You go to me and order … the gate to welcome the soldiers back."
He gritted his teeth and said that Lin Anmin burned the moat bridge. He knew that Zhao thief would not attack the city tonight.
However, when the Japanese thief army is bound to cross the bridge, I’m afraid it will be difficult to keep sight of Haicheng at that time.
Road side?
"The water is too cold …"
Lin An’s pro-army guards swam across the moat.
He was in a trance when he was defeated, but he was saved by the guards.
After he was stopped, he didn’t have the courage to die.
"Hundreds of troops and my hand wreck most face positions? Zhao thief! "
Lin Anmin looked back and saw a small number of remnant troops scrambling to cross the river and drowned.
And the puppet army also ordered archers to volley into the water!
However, most of the foot soldiers knelt down and gave up …



